ABOUT USABOUT USGeneral Maritime Technical Consultant & Service (Fuzhou) Co., Ltd. was set up in June 2015 and is a service leader in providing marine survey & maritime technology, ocean & marine engineering consultancy and service. In order to provide the best, independent, professional & specialized services to our clients, the following subsidiaries have been established:
“APL LOS ANGELS” -Grounding, oil leaking and salvage
In September 2018, MV “APL LOS ANGELS” deviated from the passage plan of Fuqing channel and aground. Oil leakage was happened and ship salvage, oil clean up, cargo transfer, ship repair & General average were involved in handling this accident. The total claim from the oil clean-up companies, Marine fisheries & fish farming, salvage fee, cargo transfer expenses and ship repair fee was about RMB 3 billion. The case has been included in the fund pool of the P&I Group and is the top 20 claims.
“GLYKOFILOUSSA”and“MEGALOHARI”-Heat damage to the soyabeans.
In December 2016 and April 2017, total 130 thousand tons of soyabeans on MV “GLYKOFILOUSSA” and “MEGALOHARI” sustained heat damage. The claim raised by the receivers were RMB 50 million and 22 million.
“YANGTZE GALAXY” hit the Large yellow croaker fish farming
In may 2019, MV “YANGTZE GALAXY” deviated from the course and hit the Large yellow croaker fish farming off Ningde Channel due to engine failure. Total 14 fish farmers raised a 24millions claim. After the negotiation, the fish famers reached an agreement for the claim.
“ISS CANTATA” -Oil leakage
In December 2016, oil leakage was happened to MT “ISS CANTATA” and the nearby fishing farms and shore lines were polluted, the total claim was approximately 24millions.
LPG/C “GAS PRODIGY”-cargo leakage
In February 2020, LPG/C cargo was leaked form the cargo pumps of MT “GAS PRODIGY”, various emergency rescue operations were performed in the subsequent times including emergency evacuation. After the failure of high pressure blocking operation, under the assistance of the government, the first time domestic LPG cargo in port STS transfer was accomplished.
“Tai Hunter”-Aground and flooding
In August 2019, MV “Tai Hunter” hit the reef off Kemen port during the maneuvering operation to Ningde port for cargo discharging. The ship listed about 7° and cargo hold Nos. 1&4 were flooding. Due to the Typhoon and unsatisfied surrounding condition, cargo transfer operation could not be conducted and the vessel was escorted to the port anchorage for cargo discharging.
In May 2017, MV “CONDOTTI” hit the mooring pile foundation during the berthing operation. The direct loss of this accident was 35 million and the final negotiated payment was 23millions. We persuaded the port party abandoned the claim to the earning lost.